Below is an embedded spreadsheet with a complete course schedule including descriptions of class activities, writing and reading assignments, Learning Record tasks, and student presentation dates. If you cannot view or navigate the spreadsheet, please notify the instructor.
Unit Three Revised Schedule
M Nov 14
Due: Essay Proposal, post to class blog
Class: Workshop proposals
W Nov 16
Due: Research blog post; post on something you’ve learned in your research (1-2 paragraphs)
Class: Come prepared to discuss the state of your research for the essay
F Nov 18
Due: Draft of Essay, submit in student folder with title “Last Name Draft 11-18-11”
M Nov 21
Class: Writing workshop
W Nov 23
Due: Revised Draft of Essay for Peer Review by class time, 12:30pm. Submit one version in your student folder; and submit one version to your partner (print it and bring to meeting, send it as email attachment, or share it on Google docs)
Class: Peer Review. Required. You may complete the peer review in FAC 7 during class time or off
campus on your own time.
F Nov 25
Due: Completed Peer Review, Submit to wiki “Completed Peer Review” folder with title “Your Name
Review for Partner Name 11-25-11”
M Nov 28
Class: Report on student ideas
W Nov 30
Due: Final essay, post to class blog by Midnight Tuesday Nov 29
Due: Comment on one blog post before class
Class: Discuss student work, Closing remarks
F Dec 10
Due: B2 and C2 by 12:00 noon. Submit B2 on your existing LR document in the wiki.