Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Kashi Advertisement

Kashi brand food products emerged in the wave of America’s organic/health food phase that continues today. They are most popular for their snack bars and cereals, although have expanded to frozen entrees and breakfast foods as well. Kashi is a company that promotes living an all-natural, healthy way of life. They offer tips and provide “challenges” on their website so that consumers can live a more “green” lifestyle.

In this commercial, the first image you see if of a middle-aged woman with her name and job displayed. She is not only described as a Kashi employee, but also a mom. She exclaims, “You want to help your kids eat better, and we want to help you do it!” This is the first rhetorical strategy utilized in order to gain the audience’s trust as not only a mother, but also as someone who is very familiar and uses Kashi products. This is an effective utilization of ethos that allows the audience to feel that she is a credible source immediately as the commercial begins. This could also be considered a pathetic appeal to a parent because when it comes down to it, what parent doesn’t want their child to be healthy? This use of pathos immediately draws the adult audience in and solidifies their goal.

The next image presented is of a sporting event with children playing sports and running around. The grass is very green and the sun is shining and children and adults are interacting in an active way, laughing and playing. These are strategies used to make the image more appealing to both audiences and encourage that an active lifestyle could be fun and exciting.

Next, the narrator describes the products with phrases like “peanut-y chocolate” and “cinnamon crunch” and encourages prospective consumers to take the “two bite test.” The “two bite test” could be considered a logical appeal because it allows the potential consumers to test a product out for themselves instead of relying on the credibility of the ad. This challenge is followed by a series of images of children scrambling in a crowd to get to the product and then of the children taking a bite of the various foods. This part of the advertisement is directed towards the children because of the appeal of sweets that they love, like chocolate and peanut butter, which is then reinforced by the children eating the products and appearing to want more. This is a pathetic appeal to children by emphasizing the sweet and delicious part of the product and understating the health aspect, which most children would be hesitant to eat. To further reinforce that this product is not only appetizing but also kid-friendly, the next series of images presented show the kids’ reactions. One child gives a thumb up sign; one excitedly states, “I like it!” and another says, “It’s chocolate-y!” with a mouth full of food. This demonstrates ethos to both audiences by showing children that other children enjoy this food, it encourages them to try it and by showing parents that their children could like this food, even though it is healthy.

In the conclusion of this ad, the product is displayed on a pure white background, which makes it appear very clean and healthy (like a doctor’s office) and gives the appearance of a healthy and rewarding product. The end screen is four adults, assumingly all Kashi employees, walking away from the camera, still outdoors, with the motto “Kashi: 7 grains on a mission” displayed. This demonstrates that these products are more than just food, but an effort to benefit the greater good and advocate a healthy lifestyle for all.


  1. I find some of these commercial ads very amusing. For example, something that is "healthful" is relative. I had to bring this up because if you look at an example the nutrition label on a Kashi cereal box, most of them have absolutely no nutrients, but have only fiber. So if fiber is the only thing nutritiously healthful, then is this the brand you really want? Some commercials are convincing and some aren't, this commercial happens to not convince me. Interesting commercial though. Just something to think about critically...

  2. I think this commercial does a good job at convincing the audience that Kashi is a health friendly brand by attaching the food with clips of kids running around outside playing sports. Also by using a clip that shows a mom with kids, it will attract many family oriented buyers to invest in Kashi products.
